
How do celadon glaze colors develop?

SOKENDAI研究派遣プログラム 採択年度: 2022

RILLERA Angelo Perez


Celadon glaze coloration and transition metal properties

The image shows three different representative colors of celadon glazes. We seek to understand the coloration of celadon glazes in terms of transition metal properties using optical spectroscopy, imaging, and X-ray absorption spectroscopy.

Ceramic glazes have various colors, designs, and appearances. These characteristics may be controlled by varying glaze processing parameters such as initial composition, firing temperature, and firing atmosphere. To have better control of these characteristics and to understand how actual ceramic artifacts were produced, it is necessary to understand how the colors, designs, and appearances develop at the atomic level. In our research, we focus on celadon glazes with iron (Fe) and titanium (Ti), and we aim to understand the coloration of celadon glazes in terms of the Fe and Ti structural properties. The glaze colors were characterized using optical spectroscopy and imaging, while the valences and coordination structures were probed using X-ray absorption spectroscopy[C1] . We have found that the glaze surface structural properties do not correlate well with the observed glaze colors. We are now focusing on spatially-resolved measurements to further investigate this finding. We are considering complementary techniques such as Raman spectroscopy and optical scattering measurements in the future to further probe the structural and optical properties of the celadon glazes.
 [C1]After this paragraph, would you add another paragraph addressing your future plan what and how to apply this research?


Date of Departure: 2022/08/16
Date of Return: 2023/02/19


Osaka, Japan


Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University


Prof. Sarukura and Prof. Shimizu of Osaka University are main collaborators of my PhD project. The SOKENDAI Student Dispatch Program has allowed me to learn and obtain results from reflectance spectroscopy and multi-spectral imaging under their supervision. I also had the opportunity to learn other optical characterization techniques including absorption and emission spectroscopies by joining the experiments of colleagues. The program has provided me a fruitful learning and research experience, and I hope the same is true for other SOKENDAI students.

高エネルギー加速器科学研究科 物質構造科学専攻 RILLERA Angelo Perez

I am a PhD student under the Department of Materials Structure Science in KEK Photon Factory. Currently, my research is on understanding the coloration of celadon glazes using optical characterization techniques and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Prior to studying in Japan, I obtained Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in Physics from the University of the Philippines where I had research experience on high temperature superconductors and buffer layer materials.