April 05, 2017

SOKENDAI Students' Seminar on Skills for Poster Presentation 2017

Place:Sokendai Hayama Campus and Shonan Village Center, Hayama, Kanagawa

SOKENDAI Students' Seminar on Skills for Poster Presentation 2017

The SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies) and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS) jointly organize the "JSPS Summer Program." This program provides young researchers from six countries (the US,the UK, France, Germany, Canada and Sweden), who have undertaken or just completed their doctoral program, with a joint research opportunity at Japanese research institutes or universities for two months in summer. The SOKENDAI hosts an orientation session in the first week of their stay, and more than hundreds of the JSPS fellows will come together at the Shonan Village Center (Hayama, Kanagawa) to have the Japanese language classes and participate in the host family program. For this opportunity, the SOKENDAI offers "Students' Seminar on Skills for Poster Presentation" to our students. Mr. Todd Gorman (National Institute of Genetics) and Mr. Jeremiah S. Sechrist (National Institutes of Natural Sciences (Okazaki)) will be your instructors, and they will give you an intensive seminar on poster presentations. After the seminar, students will attend some of the JSPS Summer Program's events, such as "Group Discussion" and "Poster Presentation." This is a unique opportunity to improve your presentation as well as communication skills, and to meet a diverse group of young scholars from overseas. Please be a part of this special Student's Seminar on Skills for Poster Presentation in Hayama in this June. (Accommodation at the Hayama Campus, and a certain amount of transportation fees will be provided to all the participating SOKENDAI students.)

Program Outline


SOKENDAI Hayama Campus / Shonan Village Center


Thursday, June 15th to Friday, June 16th, 2017


Eligibility & Number of Students: Approximately 10 SOKENDAI students
Deadline: Sunday, April 30th Wednesday, May 10th (Extended)
Documents: Application Form / Local Remittance Registration Application / Abstract for the Poster

Where to submit: [email protected] (Staff for Students' Seminar on English Presentation Skills 2017)

Seminar cost: Free. Accommodation at the Hayama Campus, and a certain amount of transportation fees will be provided to all the participating SOKENDAI students.