Particle and Nuclear Physics
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies
We aim to foster the next generation of researchers who will explore the origin and structure of the universe. They will study how the universe works at the very smallest and largest levels-exploring elementary particles and atomic nuclei, alongside options to study cosmology and other related fields. We will give researchers a broad perspective and high level of expertise, which will allow them to actively contribute to the future of research across many interrelated fields of science.
We offer two programs: a five-year doctoral program for students with a bachelor's degree and a three-year doctoral program for students with a master's degree.
Students will belong to either the Theoretical Research Group or the Experimental Research Group of the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies (IPNS) at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK). They will conduct their studies and research activities at KEK’s Tsukuba Campus, Tokai Campus, the Wako Nuclear Science Center, or at experimental facilities located worldwide.
The SuperKEKB accelerator and Belle II measuring instrument, which started operations to enhance luminosity by 40 times ©KEK
T2K near detector ©KEK
Daily discussions in the theory group by SOKENDAI students and their supervisor ©KEK
Doctoral Program: Five-year doctoral program / Three-year doctoral program
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy
Career Opportunities: Researchers and university faculty members in particle physics, nuclear physics, cosmology and space science and related fields; researchers and engineers who carry out cutting-edge project-based research at companies and national laboratories; and researchers and engineers in the private and public sectors in the fields of nuclear power, radiation, information processing, electricity, electronics, and communications.
Research Institutes
Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies
Address : 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0801 Japan
Information before March 2023
School / Department: School of High Energy Accelerator Science, Department of Particle and Nuclear Physics
Date of Establishment: April 1999
Doctoral Program: Five-year doctoral program / Three-year doctoral program
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy